Title: The Well
Characters: Jesus, Samaritan woman, six to ten generic actors
Costumes: Bible costume for Jesus and Samaritan woman, black shirt and dark jeans for everyone else
Verses: John 4:7-13
Time: Approximately 5 minutes
Stage directions: The material is divided into three sections--Music, Skit and Narration. Generic actors can recite lines in the Narration portion either one by one or thru choral recitation. The Skit is between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Generic actors can either sing the lines in the song, or, for added effect, they can go down to the audience and distribute small bookmarks or pieces of paper containing John 13-14 while Music Second Part is playing.
Song: “The Well” by Casting Crowns (First part - 00:01 to 00:13; Second part – 3:20 t0 4:57)
Links: Casting Crowns Interview, Link to live performance (to follow)
License and rights ownership: Creative Commons – Attribution-Non-commercial; Copyright of “The Well” by Casting Crowns
Extra note: Skit can be used as an opener for a message on the fourth Seven Last Words, "I am thirsty" (John 19:28) or as a stand-alone play.
(Music – First Part)
Leave it all behind
Leave it all behind
Leave it all behind
Leave it all behind
Jesus: Will you give me a drink?
Samaritan Woman: You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?
Jesus: If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.
The Samaritan woman could never seem to quench her thirst. Everyday, she kept on coming back to the well to draw water. But she was still left dry and thirsty.
Samaritan Woman: Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you go get this living water?
Nothing seemed to satisfy.
Not the water from the well.
Not the five marriages she had.
Not everything she searched for.
Not until she turned to Jesus.
Jesus: Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
Just like this Samaritan woman, are you forever searching for something you think you need?
A successful career?
Recognition from your peers?
Love and affection from a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
You can try to draw from your job, but you'll end up thirsty.
You can try to draw from your relationships,
But understand that it will not work if you try to draw from the other person.
Jesus is the only one who can complete you.
Even when your heart is broken.
Even when you feel that your last prayer is spoken.
Just leave everything behind
And rest in the arms of Christ.
(Music – Second Part)
And all who thirst will thirst no more
And all who search will find what their souls long for
The world will try but it can never fill
So leave it all behind
And come to the well.
Leave it all behind
And come to the well.
Leave it all behind
Leave it all behind
Leave it all behind
Leave it all behind
Your pursuit of perfection (leave it all behind)
Your fear of rejection (leave it all behind)
Your temporary pleasures (leave it all behind)
All your earthly treasures (leave it all behind)
Dried up empty religion (leave it all behind)
Rusty chains of addiction (leave it all behind)
All the guilt that weighs you down (leave it all behind)
Just leave it all behind and come to the well
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